Once upon a time, la fiaba del venerdì: “The Frog Prince”- Elena’s corner

The Frog Prince Brothers Grimm One fine evening a young princess put on her bonnet and clogs, and went out to take a walk by herself in a wood; and when she came to a cool spring of water with a rose in the middle of it, she sat herself down to rest a while. […]

Once upon a time, la fiaba del venerdì: “The Princess and the Pea”- Elena’s corner

The Princess and the Pea Christian Andersen There was once a prince, and he wanted a princess, but then she must be a real Princess. He travelled right around the world to find one, but there was always something wrong. There were plenty of princesses, but whether they were real princesses he had great difficulty […]

Once upon a time, la fiaba del venerdì… non questa sera! – Elena’s corner

Questa sera al posto di una storia vi propongo una bella canzoncina da cantare tutti insieme. Se vi siete persi l’articolo sulle canzoni più “gettonate” a casa mia; ecco il link: https://amiciperlapancia.wordpress.com/2017/04/21/sing-along-with-me-cantate-con-me-elenas-corner/ The Wheels On The Bus The wheels on the bus go Round and round, Round and round, Round and round. The wheels on […]

Once upon a time, la fiaba del venerdì: “The Ugly Duckling”- Elena’s corner

The Ugly Duckling Hans Christian Andersen It was so beautiful in the country. It was the summer time. The wheat fields were golden, the oats were green, and the hay stood in great stacks in the green meadows. The stork paraded about among them on his long red legs, chattering away in Egyptian, the language […]

Once upon a time, la fiaba del venerdì: “Hansel and Gretel”- Elena’s corner

Hansel and Gretel Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time a very poor woodcutter lived in a tiny cottage in the forest with his two children, Hansel and Gretel. His second wife often ill-treated the children and was forever nagging the woodcutter. “There is not enough food in the house for us all. There […]

Once upon a time, la fiaba del venerdì: “Riccioli d’oro e i tre orsi” – Elena’s corner

Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Robert Southey (1774 – 1843) ONCE upon a time there were three Bears, who lived together in a house of their own in a wood. One of them was a Little, Small, Wee Bear; and one was a Middle-sized Bear, and the other was a Great, Huge Bear. They […]

Once upon a time, la fiaba del venerdì: “I tre porcellini” – Elena’s corner

The three little pigs Jacobs Joseph (1854–1916) There was an old sow with three little pigs, and as she had not enough to keep them, she sent them out to seek their fortune. The first that went off met a man with a bundle of straw, and said to him: “Please, man, give me that […]